
The Privacy statement

We respect your right to privacy. This policy summarizes what personally identifiable information we may collect, and how we might use this information. This policy also describes other important topics relating to your privacy.

Information Collection

We only will collect identifiable information (such as name, title, company name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address) that you voluntarily provide through our website or e-mail correspondence. Credit Cards, Bank Accounts, and other financial information are not stored on our system.  We will collect general information (such as the type of browser you use, the files you request, and the domain name and country from which you request information) to improve our Web site and better meet your needs.

Use of Information

The information you supply will be used by us to fulfill your orders for our products and services, respond to your inquiries, supply you with requested information the products and services. We may also use the information to inform you about new features, products or services if you explicitly instructed us to do so.  We do not sell or distribute this information to anyone else.

Other Important Information

This website may contain links to other sites. We do not endorse or otherwise accept responsibility for the content or privacy policies of those sites. Additionally, some of our Web pages may contain “cookies,” which are data that may be sent to your Web browser and stored on your computer. This allows our server to “recognize” you when you visit our Web site in the future. Most Web browsers can be configured to not accept cookies, or to notify you if a cookie is sent to you. 
It may be necessary, if required by law or if pertinent to judicial or governmental investigations, to release your personally identifiable information. 
We are reserving the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. We will promptly reflect any such modifications in these Web pages.

The reserves the right to refuse or cancel your order if The suspects the purchase is unauthorized or fraudulent. 

Thank you for your Business.